I love vacations. Usually you disembark on an adventure to a new place that you’ve never seen before. You’re anticipating the excitement that awaits you upon arrival at your destination; the new sights, smells, languages and people. And while vacationing, you embrace the opportunity to act differently than you normally would; you flirt a little more, step outside your comfort zone, and kick with those you normally wouldn’t lift a foot for. Vacationing is great… But the annoyance that is life always gives you a downfall. (pft, and I claim to be positive)
After traveling a couple times a year, I still hold firm to the belief that getting from point A to point B is as much the adventure as much as the destination you are trying to reach. But after the allotted traveling time, having dealt with people who’s personalities don’t coincide with yours, and wish you were back in a familiar place so you could finally relax, one idiot always seems to ruin everything.
While in Mexico on a recent vacation, the roomie and I, came across an older gentleman that was out to have a good time. He’d drink excessively, turn loud, and just want to dance. Harmless he was, and rather entertaining for the most part; but like I said, you come to your wits end eventually. As we left our resort to bus it an hour to the airport where we’d have to wait for another 3, before the another 5 spent in-flight, the busload was ready for the long drawn out day, taking an afternoon siesta, most of us… Except for this man. He was ready to serenade the whole bus, asking the bus driver to pull over at a liquor store to buy beers for the bus. How awesome would this’ve been if we were just getting on vacation? Sweet! But totally unnecessary at the farewell.

I was keeping my fingers crossed that he was not seated around me on the plane. I love the guy, but I was finished. With the roomie at the window seat and me in the middle, we were on the plane ½ hr early waiting for that one annoying passenger to get on so we could just get on with it. Normally the passenger you’re waiting for when this happens, is me, because I’m at the bar instead of the plane. But this time, it was the guy who would sit down next to me. Lucky guy is greeted on the plane with a serenade of “boos” (do that to me, I dare yah) then drunk-o sits to my right, in his non-assigned seat. Promptly, I pretended to sleep, then put the headphones in to ignore him. But despite my efforts, I was not so fortunate to be oblivious to his drinking and flirting with the flight attendants, his comments on my choice of beverage, his whining about his head phones not working, or his screaming to his friends further up in the plane. All the while, I just wanted to land and be home. Oh life, you are building up my tolerance level for a reason. My kids are gonna be fuken brats aren’t they?