So everyone, I recently went on a vacation to Florida by myself. This vacation involved a lot of drinking, a lot of random and fantastic people, some partying, and some great adventures. But with all the good stuff, sometimes you stumble along some bad.
The last "job" I had, happened to be a promotion for a wicked awesome cell phone. It went on for 6 weeks or so and I had a great time doing it. But 2 shifts prior to wrapping everything up, I spilt a bottle of pop in my purse, ruined it, and cried a bit about it.
Similarly, while on vacation, I survived all these great places with my digital camera: the cruise ship I was on, the pool we took pics beside, the bars where beverages were getting spilled, and the boat I went para-sailing off of. And behold, the night before my flight back, while walking in downtown Tampa, I slipped and fell into the river, sending my camera into the water with me.
This is where the story gets good:
Although I may not always keep my composure while hanging out with friends, I completely lose my mind and just do whatever comes to me first when I'm by myself (especially when alcohol is involved... and let's be realistic - when is it not?). There are 2 stories I am willing to disclose, because, realistically, they're just too ridiculous to keep to myself...

I am the girl who "trespassed" onto a private yaught club to wander around, check out the boats, take a nap on their amazing hammocks, and take pictures by the water. I walked up to all of the staff, smiled and said hello, while wearing as little as possible... and when using their facilities, I totally stole like a hand full of tampons - cuz you know, they were free, and I'm a rebel. Pft, rich people and their free feminine products, take that!2.
I am the girl who slipped on some seaweed while trying to dip my feet in the river downtown. This was after I walked through a city garden, stepping on a rose bush branch which punctured through my sandal and into my foot. *ouch, tetanus shot* After sitting, soaked from the waist down laughing at myself, I went into the first 5-star hotel to get cleaned up. Rich people - you might pay $300 a night to stay in some fancy place, but I'm the girl in her bikini, ringing out her shorts in your prestigious bathroom... Those door men gave me a look straight out of "Pretty Woman" when I walked in.And with that, I shrug, get on with my day, and find another convenience store that sells booze, because when you have unfortunate luck, you just gotta do something that makes you laugh, or at least smile at the memory of...
SIDENOTE **if anyone wants to purchase me a new cell phone or digital camera, it'd be greatly appreciated, cuz my vacation left me broke!**