I was talking to someone the other day, and trying to explain how my best adventures happen when I don't have a plan. I've been to Europe a couple times before, gone to Mexico by myself ect ect, but I REFUSE to be the person who pre-plans everything. I feel too confined having a plan, and I think life should be about spontinaitey and fun, so I don't bother w planning.
I was making small talk with my boss (who is originally from Halifax. He asked me the standard questions: what I wanted to see, where I wanted to go, where I was staying, how I was getting around... but my answer to all of them were *shrugs* "I dunno... I'll just figure it out"
Now... I understand that most people don't travel in such an unorginaized way - but I do. I like the idea of meeting someone at a hostel and just joining in on their 3 day trip to wherever they plan on going. If I have a place to stay, that's awesome, and if I don't, it'll work itself out - that's the way I see it.
Now... *rewind*
When I first decided I was going to go to Halifax for a trip, my initial excuse was to "comemorate the Titanic" which is still a true excuse for the trip. My parents had a bit of a freak out when they found out I wasn't coming to see them in Hammertown instead, and I told them to just come w to Halifax to see me(cuz they never go anywhere). Surprise! My mom called my bluff so now she's crashing my party.
I can't exactly sleep in a car, on the floor of some chicks house, or w a random (not that I would) if my mom's along - and well that changes things...
---More on travels (w my mom) will continue tomorrow, where I'm slightly more sober.---