
What do I envy? I envy honesty, opinionated personalities and no-holding-back-bluntless. I dis-envy those who lack a personality of their own, and need to judge others in order to feel better about themselves.
Asshole type tendancies, along with rude comments and sarcasm amuse me, and I believe my recent phenomenon of making fun of my own lifes downfalls and meaningless events in an exaggerated way can be somewhat amusing to persons other than myself.This is a blog of my own thoughts and unconventional opinions. I encourage you to call me out an anything I write here, however, the blog is not made for you to belittle me, so watch your step. Read at your own risk. -B!

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Hey internet world.

The thing about blogging is that usually stuff needs to happen to you in order for it to make sense. And that stuff shouldn't be limited to the boring work/home details. Today is a perfect example.

I'll spare you the awesome concert/huge stage penis/fashion trends rant part of things (for now) and get to the heart of this story, as I have to be awake in 3 hours, and the other stories could wait.


Yeah, we just got out of a rock show. Walked to her car (and she's like super hardcore. 1 drink and like 7 glasses of water later), and were getting ready to pull out... Then flashing lights came from behind her. The Police - legit? Guess so. Probably a drinking and driving check, we're guessing. Cop walks over to her (dressed conservatively, not sluttily, nor in sweat pants and that grubby way that low paid hookers have about them) and starts questioning her. Asking her what she was doing and where she was headed. Knowing her address and name and all. Kailey, calmly but in a confused manor answers the questions, and policeman starts walking away saying "have a good night".

The probing question comes into place "is there a problem officer? Did I do something?" To which he answers (nonchalantly) "no, this is just the part of town where hookers park". And then walks away.


That's all I could manage to say in between laughs. And for everyones knowledge. DO NOT park on 1st St SW/17th Ave.... for real, what the fuk!

(I'll clean up this blog, but that's the story).

Friday, February 1, 2013

Back in the Game: A Rant

As I was hanging out with a couple girlfriends this afternoon (shout out to the bestfriend - wish you were here,miss you Soph) I was told that I don't blog enough anymore. We had some hilarious afternoon rants - but I've decided that if I'm going to write about something, might as well go with the most recent of incidences (as of 10min ago - can't get more current than that).

New year, people (thanks tips, I know...) and that means resolutions... so..on my whiteboard of "To Do's", 2013's holds "SAY YES!". Now, friends, I've always been a "yes" man, because I do believe that good things happen when you say "yes"... but sometimes in that process, you have to do things you don't really want to do... and that leads me to tonight.

backstory: At my neighbourhood pub a few weeks back, I met some guys (sub-par in the looks, and personality, and my interest-level-to-them department) that bought me a few shots and I humoured with medeocre conversation. They worked in the auto department, and I've recently purchased a piece-of-shit-car that needs some work. But I don't lead guys on, so the exchange of numbers was just one of meer pleasentries... After this, "Mr." kept texting me and not getting the "subtle" hints. girls, what do we do in this situation? - fuken ignore all text till boy goes away right?!! Apparently (according to a guy-friend a work, that's the worst thing to do and should shoot him down for reals) No probs for me, here are the texts:

Mr: I'm just going to come out and say this I think your beautiful and I was wondering if you wanted to go out next week
Me: I'm flattered, but kindma hung up on soemone these days. We can chill and grab drinks but no, I'm not into the dating thing.
Mr: When is the best time for you next week
Me: I'll have to get back to you
(a whole one day of silence)
Mr: Are you free tonight to go out for some drinks and dinner
Me: Dead tired today. So prolly not.
(then he goes on to text me on 3 DIFFERENT days, 5 MORE times.. with no response)
(then I realize that that's not saying yes at all)
(so tonight I meet him at the neighbourhood pub for drinks - and this is where my story begins)

I went to my local pub for a drink after class tonight. A boy sat on either side of me, did the "small talk" thing, the "compliment" thing, the "let me buy you a drink thing". I did the "I couldn't care less" thing, the "I have a headache" thing, and the "I'm gonna insult you as much as I can until you get the hint" thing. And so my rant is this: if all I've done is sit there and throw out jabs at you - why are guys attracted to this? I mean, girls like abuse!!!, but guy???s - I don't get it!

Boy asks me outside. I humour him. He spills his guts (way too wasted, btw) and tells me that his friend is into me but he'd like to win me over. I flat out tell him I'm not interested in either of them, he pretends to accept. he tells me that I'm making him feel bad about himself. that he can't win - but continues asking me to dinner, though he already knows I've shot him down. Sigh.

my point In high school (major throwback) a really good guy friend of mine bitched me out. He called me out on my whole character, saying (and this is actually a quote) "A guy wants a girl who's nice and pretty - not someone that could kick his ass"... and it's always stuck with me (that's why I'm so girlie and innocent all the time). And so tonight, as I sit at my pub with ripped jeans, hair in a ponytail, my ass-kicking boots on and my attitude turned up to the max, full of rant and insults - I've learned nothing over the last 10 years. And these lame-o's still won't leave me alone. Someone please explain.