
What do I envy? I envy honesty, opinionated personalities and no-holding-back-bluntless. I dis-envy those who lack a personality of their own, and need to judge others in order to feel better about themselves.
Asshole type tendancies, along with rude comments and sarcasm amuse me, and I believe my recent phenomenon of making fun of my own lifes downfalls and meaningless events in an exaggerated way can be somewhat amusing to persons other than myself.This is a blog of my own thoughts and unconventional opinions. I encourage you to call me out an anything I write here, however, the blog is not made for you to belittle me, so watch your step. Read at your own risk. -B!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Who says you can't make up your own drama?

Backstory: As a new years resolution for 2010, I've decided to expand my social circle. The plan -2 phone numbers a week! As it's easier for me to flirt/befriend males rather than females, I now have a few "prospects" in my phone.

Wings: All I wanted to do last night was to go out for some wings at my neighbourhood pub. I txt'd my roommates, with no positive response... Txt'd C-Dawg, and got a "maybe". And therefore, I started txt'ing my "new friends". I sent a shout to the snowboarder I picked up the day before St. Paddy's, and to Superfly, whom I had met working over the weekend. I also txt'd ArmyGuy and HomesliceWButta'... But inevitably I ended up at the bar alone waiting for C-Dawg, and expecting only him.

**sidenote: snowboarder story: I had been in hanging with Girlie wandering around shops and getting our hair did in a kind of "girls day". I walked into a snowboarding shop thinking I should buy the overdue boots/binding for the board I got, so I could be a step closer to trying to learn hot to "shread". After flirting to get a good deal, and that not happening, I decided I'd be more likely to spend $300 on booze than a snowboard. And therefore I looked at the guy in the store saying "what time you drinking at tomorrow?" and after getting a response, closing the deal with "awesome, I'm down, what's your name and number?"**

The story: After a walk and a traveller, I sit down at the bar and shoot the shit with the barkeep who tells me I'm not officially a "loner" if I'm meeting someone. (Apparently I have to get stood up to get that nice title). Then a guy walks up to me, says hello as if he knows me, and taking off his jacket sits down beside me. I make small talk with him for 5mins before I realize it's "snowboarder guy". And after another 5mins of converstation, he says "I don't even know your name!" Who does that? Meets up with randoms whos name is not even common knowledge?

C-Dawg walked into the bar soon after, sitting down on the other side of me, converses a bit with my new friend, and orders a water. (Damn my friends are lame!) I'm on my 2nd drink by now and laughing to myself as the boys talk to me, and try to befriend eachother, apparently having skateboarded together before. As I'm fishing for things to talk about with the boy to my left (snowboarder) and sharing promo-work drama with C-Dawg to my right, I'm also txt'ing a guyfriend of mine.

The guyfriend, swings by the bar to say hello, seeing me with 2 guys he's never met on either side of me. I'm laughing even harder on the inside at my situation, and am now only paying attention to him, ignoring the boys to my sides. And as I decide to walk him out, stopping to makingout with him in the "hallway", Superfly and his friend walk in!

Haha, snowboarder and C-Dawg are now friends, me having left them alone for a bit, and Superfly and his friend are trying to establish themselves at the bar, walking over to talk to me periodically. I'm cramping up from laughing at the inside, and drinks and shots continue. The bartender starts to mention the multitude of boys sitting around me, and asking me who I'm going home with. Everyone puts their money on C-Dawg apparently ignoring the boy I was makingout with, but leave with C-Dawg I eventually do.

And after walking him to his place, I decide to find my own way home. No deal. After wanderings, I come to a dead end and decide that I'm not going to backtrack. There's a fence with a hole in the middle, and a huge field/hill on the other side. Sketchy to the normal person at 2am, but not I. I climb the "hill of death" (Prince of Wales reference) which leads to a bench overlooking the city, where I sit for a few minutes. Damn, I wish I had another traveller. After catching a wind and running down the other side of the hill, I followed the lights towards SAIT and found my way home, still laughing to myself about the night of drama that none of my female friends got to witness.

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