A friend of mine asked me to go see a show today. A very talented artist that she had introduced me to about a year ago, was playing in Calgary at some never-before-heard-of-by-me venue.
Having no plans for the night, I agreed to the overpriced (in the ways of I'm used to paying $5 for a show kinda way) performance.
We arrive at a venue where there is a room set up (not a bar, a room). There is a made stage with a semi-circle of chairs set up in front of it, and a roll out bar (with only wine and beer) set up in the corner. Everyone is 40+ except for my friend, me, and another couple.
The performance was good. The artists that played were talented, no doubt... but the atmosphere!
I've bitched a lot about having gone to bars and felt old, since everyone is 19. I keep thinking that maybe I should go out and do new things out of my element. But I am not ready for the posh wine-drinking, gentle hand-clapping, "bravo"-exclaiming crowd that was found at said concert this evening. An 8am set time and a man taking a nap in the back row does not summarize my idea of a good time.
I tried to go to something similar a couple years back when on a visit to Ontario. A punk-type band that I knew were playing an acoustic set at an art opening for a local photographer. Since I have an interest in awesome photos, and awesome acoustic from a band I admire, I convinced my friend
Alz to get dressed up "all nice" and come with me. Even at that show, the chocolate
fondue and soft-drinks threw us off, but we decided it was good for what it was.
Tonight wasn't a bad night, but would I do it again? Probably not for a few years.