
What do I envy? I envy honesty, opinionated personalities and no-holding-back-bluntless. I dis-envy those who lack a personality of their own, and need to judge others in order to feel better about themselves.
Asshole type tendancies, along with rude comments and sarcasm amuse me, and I believe my recent phenomenon of making fun of my own lifes downfalls and meaningless events in an exaggerated way can be somewhat amusing to persons other than myself.This is a blog of my own thoughts and unconventional opinions. I encourage you to call me out an anything I write here, however, the blog is not made for you to belittle me, so watch your step. Read at your own risk. -B!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Dancing - Check

So I brave the cold and wander over to my local watering hole to meet up with a friend that I haven't seen in a couple of weeks, and his significant-other. We eat some cheap wings and shoot the shit with talk of New Years and the holidays. But as they leave just before 10pm, I realize how much I dread getting back out into the cold, and back to my uneventful house. I decide to stay.

I relocate to the bar where new friends are already giving me a hard time, and the shooters are flowing. We talk of girls and boys, of relationships and liars, and eventually decide that we should party. Like the good'ol'days, I'm kidnapped by boys (w a side of good looking girls) and we head down to a bar I despise. But, in the spirit of the New Year and having fun, I allow myself to dance get hit on random 19yr-olds and see my new random friends give up all their dignity by getting groped and mouth-raped. But that is nothing new for the Roadhouse.

My night went like this though: I met up w my friend and his gf, then hung out with random bartender + 2 sides of random awesomeness, and a not-so-innocent young-in. Went down to the club with 2 female rockstars, where I met a 1/2 stripper, saw my former-good-friend, my 2 awesome bartenderesses, and a former almost-fling from Waterton. Wow, who knew I'd have such an eventful night.

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