
What do I envy? I envy honesty, opinionated personalities and no-holding-back-bluntless. I dis-envy those who lack a personality of their own, and need to judge others in order to feel better about themselves.
Asshole type tendancies, along with rude comments and sarcasm amuse me, and I believe my recent phenomenon of making fun of my own lifes downfalls and meaningless events in an exaggerated way can be somewhat amusing to persons other than myself.This is a blog of my own thoughts and unconventional opinions. I encourage you to call me out an anything I write here, however, the blog is not made for you to belittle me, so watch your step. Read at your own risk. -B!

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Little Things in Life

A lemon when you're starting to feel sick, is as awesome as a cold gatorade when you're hungover. Thanks roomie.

40-day detox has begun. (Some exceptions apply)

Friday, February 19, 2010

High School.

Remember back in high school when you had a fight with one of your friends, and they would make all your other friends chose "sides"? I'm thinking back to the 'Ellez' days when we were besties, and yet faught twice a week.... then I had to listen to everyone say "Oh my guys, I hear you had a fight, It's so sad that you're not friends anymore". I would roll my eyes and answer, "whatever, we'll be friends again by the end of the week" all the while knowing she was making people chose "sides".

Well this little rant is to say that high school, really never ends. (Youtube "High School Never Ends by Bowling for Soup, even though it's hardly on the topic). We're still told to not drink and drive, and some people still do. We take little things too personally. Then we divide our friends as if seperating assets after a mean divorce. There's no nastiness involved with the breakup I'm referring to, since it was kind of inevitable. The fact that I lost a facebook friend though, that pisses me off... I'm trying to get to 1000 here people! Haha.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

"On Your Dick"

This is a sincere request for the roomie, to, for one unbelievably EPIC night, please humour everyone with a bunch of loud, hilarious proclamations of this. (You know what I'm talking about).
Understood, you're no ones "puppet" but it would be so funny, and for no apparent reason.
Think about it...

Maybe "Outsiders" can be Correct.

A few weeks ago, while hanging out with a well-respected friend, (we'll call him TheVas)... and gossiping (about my life ect, what else?) I was analyzed and told this:
"The reason you're not looking for a relationship, is that you already have one".

Well I tell you, I flipped out on that line like no other. I got defensive as fuk, telling TheVas that he might as well meet the racecar driver, because apparently, though I'm single, they clearly think I'm not alone and have dependancy issues.
The racecar driver had told me months earlier that the roomie and I are eachothers "safety nets" and we should move apart to grow as people. I resented that comment also, thinking there was no problem with having a good friend around, especially if it's the only person you could count on.

A few minutes ago, I was reviewing the events of the past few days, and smiled to myself when I realized how from the "outsiders" perspective, that quote can actually be deemed true.
I go out with the roomie: one of us will call ahead to make reservations or come up with a game plan. Standard "date night", we'll go out for wings and a movie, or a couple of cocktails and a walk. I'm not saying we're strolling down the street, arms locked or anything, though that has been known to happen (on those days where it's super slippery out, or we're stumbling uncontrollably). Whenever we're in a bar, I'll either order for her, or she for I and we hardly ever get seperate cheques. And if we go to the grocery store, the scenario only gets funnier. One of us grabs a basket, shopping for meals to eat together, and then arguing about who's going to carry the groceries while we move on to the next store.

All those "little" things that people look for in relationships... we got those bases covered!
Holy shit, TheVas may have been right. Though, since I've been referring to us as "common law" for a while now, I wasn't exactly fighting those assumptions too much.

And although I don't plan to change much in my happy little friendship bubble, I guess one could say, that the first step (a step back, were you look at yourself as an outsider) is to acknowledge what is going on.

But seriously, if we're doing all these "couple-like" things for each other, it'll just come more natually to do so for others, when we meet boys that aren't so intimidated by a strong friendship. No?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Enjoying the Jokes.

Life amazes me sometimes. The little things you encounter each day, and how you choose to react to them. If you watch profound movies like the "Butterfly Effect" and think about how if you had answered yes to that one question instead of saying no, so many things could be affected by that. I'd love to say that I think that way, but it would be untrue, since my life is very much centered around myself.. and sometimes those close to me.

I'm referring to the songs that are played on the radio when you get up, providing that you listen to your radio, or an mp3 player that's on shuffle instead of always wanting to be in control. If you hear an amazing song, it could change the course of the whole day, and your attitude toward it, then, say, you heard that one song that you loathed, and every other station had commercials.

Yesterday, media was playing games with my mind. Songs from my past arose that I haven't heard in years. Songs that had meanings to me, and made me think, even though briefly so, about the people they were associated to. And after rolling my eyes, and singing a few lyrics, I had to laugh at "fate" or sorts that played them for me in those specific moments.

Likewise, a skit on Saturday Night Live brought the roomie and I to another imfamous "lol" moment, when it mirrored the closeness of our relationship. The friendship for which we have many times been mocked for and refused to listen was now being showcased on tv. "You know it's a real problem when it's televised" said the roomie. And yet, you have to step back and laugh, cuz, really, what'cha gonna do?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Pen to Paper = a sob story.

It's odd how when I write, different versions of my thoughts comes out depending of what form of expression I use. I've always been the person who's held a journal. Back when I was 12 years old and they had those pretty pink ones with a lock on them and that universal key, so that all your friends could open it if they really wanted to anyway... I had one of those.
Not that any sort of meaningful thoughts are ever expressed in my journal (she says trying to downplay it all). It usually talks of a boy I like or turns into me venting about someone (usually my parents). Stories are rarely involved, therefore it's more of an emotional release, and if I ever re-read anything, it's truly a sob story that I would never speak of with words and therefore am resorted to write on paper.
I'm finished with my pen to paper sob-stories for today. It's an over-thinking piece of bullshit that makes me invision myself treading water in a pool of irrelevant thoughts currently invading my "buzzed" brain. And so, I've wandered to the laptop. For clarity of sorts. But all I've decided was that I want to re-write sappy lyrics to a State of Shock song so that they better suit my character.
So with a bunch of useless nonsence written down in the blog as well, I shall take the comedians advice, take a few shots of JD till the room starts spinning, or I pass out, whichever happens first. Or I'll continue trying to solidify my thoughts, or my criticisms of my thoughts in 3 sentences or less.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Raising a Rebellious Teenager.

A: He stayed out all night again. Didn't mention where he was going, who with, or what time he'd be back at. Shit, I know he doesn't go to school, but "partying" on a school night is still not within the suggested household rules. But what concerns me most is that he's started to hardcore fight. As if it's some sort of hobby for him. Comes up with articles of clothing missing and his nose all fuked up. His whole body is cut up, and I feel bad everytime I look at his pathetic face. He just stares back saying "but mom, you should see the other guy" as if that's a justification. We know this other rebel kid who thinks it's funny to fight late at night, but what are we to do? Tell his parents? They'll be able t do as much as we are. So Sophie spills some water out the window at the other cat, and we ask Harley politely to just stay at home and cuddle, but it's like we don't exist. Rebellious Teenager.

B: She just hangs out in the house. Sleeps her days away and drinks every night. After coming up with some bullshit New Years Resolutions to be social, she's just lurking the streets of Calgary instead of doing something productive with her life. Not only does she not show interest in finding a job, she's also over-indulging in her drinking habit, coming home at early morning hours. And having met a boy who doesn't believe in sleeping at regular hours of the day doesn't seem to be influencing her in any positive way. Next thing you know, she'll stop coming home at all. How to get her to smarten up and go back to work to make some money is beyond me. That AnnaB, I thank God she grew out of her gothic phase, but is this 'lax'd way of living any better? Almost 10years past her last "teen" years, and so, irresponsible.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


So, we're not dead. It was hinted at me that I should post this up in case anyone is out looking for us (which is highly unlikely, but to each their own). Although I had an interesting evening the night I went out with the roomie, I have nothing interesting to post to the general public about it, because frankly, it's none of you'all's business. But thank you for inquiring as to whether we lived.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Tonite is gonna be...

The roommate is coming out...
I've skirted up...
so leave your cars at home and meet us downtown for a few rounds...
because tonite, is gonna be EPIC

**if there is not another post about set epic night in 36 hours, feel free to assume that the epicness of tonite has lead me/us to jail, and then... by all means, please come bail me/us out***

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Pillows on the floor in the middle of the living room with all the lights off should remind you of the time you built a fort with your best friend when you were 7. You sit there and giggle and eat a bunch of junk food while watching your favorite tv show... and you're perfectly happy doing just that.

I stand by the fact that it's the simple things in life that should make you happy. Along with people who don't have to try that hard, and if I could give any advice out (not that I'm one to do so) I'd suggest that in the later years of life, you continue distroying the living room occasionally. Sure, your backs might ache sooner, the sugar high might turn into a drunken buzz and the cartoon you were watching is now a hillarious porno, but the effortlessness of the whole "fort" is what I'm getting at.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Best Idea in a While...

...yesterday was the first Tuesday of the month... therefore meaning that Safeway gives me 10% off my entire grocery purchase, and as I am living like a student once again (without all the learning, but also without any money) I need all the savings I could get and so we went. Randomly on my way out through the register (damn Point of Purchase displays), I picked up a gatorade cuz it tempted me....

Ffwd to last night: After an intimate date with the roomie & the racecar driver, along with 4 or 5 kids that decided to sit next to us for our $3 viewing of Ninja Assassin, I met up with Girlie & the Magician for a 17th Ave rendition of Punk Rock Bingo.
A jaggerbomb, double jack, single jack, ect ect, having won nothing and getting zero numbers (I was off on my pickup game, though I looked totally cute, and did the hairflip and all) I was ready to go home. The magician was abusing his power at the "that was mean" game, dibbing things such as 'me not purchasing him a drink' and 'me not saying "thank you"' as MEAN rather than IMPOLITE. I humoured him doing about 40 or 50 jumping jacks in set bar, since I have no shame, but wasn't really finding it amusing.

Ffwd to 4am: I usually wake up at this time after a few cocktails (you know, the ones with both the lemon and lime on them) to a. let my little devil-kitten in from his late-night-rendezvous, and b. make myself something to drink so that I don't wake up feeling like death the next day at noon.
So I layed there in bed mustering up the strength to:
-get out of bed
-walk to the door and let casanova in
-walk upstairs and find the juice jug
-make juice/pour juice/drink juice
& come back to bed,
I dreaded the task at hand for nearly 10minutes before I finally got out of bed and started the whole process. And then as I got to the fridge with the empty jug in hand, I had to do a double take when I saw the red gatorate staring back at me. Like the Golden Arches coming out of nowhere on a long-ass roadtrip, or a friend showing up with an energy drink on a shitty ass work shift, this was my salvation.

I laughed to myself, proceeded to do a bit of a victory dance, while tearing off that plastic wrapping off the top, and loving life. Not knowing what exactly possessed me to pick up the gatorade earlier that day, but giving myself a virtual pat on the back for doing so, I proceeded to chug the greater part of the bottle on my way back to my bedroom. The brainfreeze came as soon as I sat down again, but that's a small 3-minute price to pay for the joy I had felt minutes earlier.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

fill in the blanks:

In the aspects of AnnaB as a person, and my life as a whole, I fail at
Flattery, and
___________ (ends in y...)
But I officially succeed at Honesty! That's just who I am!
(words ruled out: sincerity, celibacy)

***4 hrs after having posted this AnnaB figured out that the word she was looking for was "intimacy"***

Monday, February 1, 2010

... then I laugh to myself ...

Today was a day of mixed feelings, ending in me rocking out around the house, doing the crazy hair flip and the "running man" dance.

I had an interview for a "real" job today. That's all I had to do, was get ready and "wow" them. Easy!

But as I got downtown well in advance and flirted with the boys at Safeway while purchasing some Red Rain so I could faster talk about myself... (flirting included the hair toss and touching of the arm and all... Score!) I got up to the lobby of the office, and only noticed the negatives: the chairs were comfortable, but had decorative pillows on them, ensuring that they rarely get used for sitting on, the marketing flyers weren't creative at all, the receptionist and everyone that passed by looked very boring and displeased with being there.

So I sat there waiting for my interview, 1/2 of my thoughts were playing the Smurfs themesong in my head, the other 1/2 was thinking of how awesome I was and how if I actually convince myself that I want this job, I'd totally get it!

Ffwd to me swinging by the mall to get the kitten some food, pickin up some new music (which, as previously mentioned) to rock out to before the roomies come home! And then a package came that I wanted, and so my day is fantastic! Sometimes I love life!