
What do I envy? I envy honesty, opinionated personalities and no-holding-back-bluntless. I dis-envy those who lack a personality of their own, and need to judge others in order to feel better about themselves.
Asshole type tendancies, along with rude comments and sarcasm amuse me, and I believe my recent phenomenon of making fun of my own lifes downfalls and meaningless events in an exaggerated way can be somewhat amusing to persons other than myself.This is a blog of my own thoughts and unconventional opinions. I encourage you to call me out an anything I write here, however, the blog is not made for you to belittle me, so watch your step. Read at your own risk. -B!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Hierarchy of Friends.

*prefix* Whether you've ever met me/hung out with me/heard about me/or know me really, really well... you have to accept one thing about me, before any kind of relationship can develop. (well, you don't really have to, but if you don't, you will VERY quickly become frustrated and walk away. So why even bother?). I think I'm always right. Always. I love to argue and am willing to listen to/debate/be converted to your way of thinking, but since I am always right, chances of that happening is slim.

Because I can be overly-harsh with people, some assume that I don't think before I speak. Or that I don't consider the consequences of my actions. But I do. Always. And 99% of the time, I would not change those spoken words, or those committed actions... because they happened for a reason!

*the backstory* Let's rewind a couple of months to back when Not-N2 and I were still friends. Our most frequent argument was about the fact that "I treat different people different ways" and that "I would go out of my way to hurt some people more than others". I agreed with the first but disagreed with the second. I believe I could read personalities fairly well and since I like to test people, I always want to know how much of my "shit" people could handle, that's why I come across as mean. (Inevitably, I am who I am and can't stop everyone from crying about the things I say, but I'm okay with that)
The "treating people differently" I admit to doing. Everyone does it. Not-N2's argument was that it was "unfair", as if I should treat everyone exactly the same. Please tell me that you'd talk to your mother the same way you'd talk to your drinking buddy. Or to my boss the same way you'd talk to a 10year old bully. If you ever tell me that you treat your best friend the same way that you treat an acquaintance, or that you treat your boyfriend the same way you treat Joe down the street, I should introduce you to Not-N2, because I think that's a load of shit!

And now for a story of how another one of my friendships came to an 'end' because I didn't control my actions, or... just do what I was told! (The "happy couple" involved, will be referred to as 'her' and 'him')

*the story* Back in the city from a stressful work-weekend away, I'm in the car with 'her'. We're going to pick up 'him'. Everyone is exhausted and needing a "time out". Attitudes, like punches in a boxing rink are swinging at one another, and I've just decided that I've had enough of 'the happy couple's' shit for the weekend. If anything I don't agree with is spoken, I'm no longer "playing along", I'm no longer holding my tongue or being nice. I'm done!

So as we're driving to get 'him', my friend sitting in the driver seat, and me in the passenger, I'm the bitch that says "I hope he likes sitting in the back" while buckling my seatbelt. (some would say: "a mean thing to say" but (as my roommates pointed out) totally justifiable, since he's a boy, and I'm in the front seat to begin with). Asking me to get out and move to the back would be ridiculous, right? Apparently not. And therefore, I lose my shit! My anger is twofold:
1. When on the phone with 'him' my friend felt the need to give him a "heads up" about me sitting in the front (if that's not a girl screaming "please don't hit me!" on the inside, I don't know what is). Simultaneously, it's a slap in my face as she's just broken the friendship code. I had told her I wasn't moving no longer than 30secs prior. Note to self-she tells him EVERYTHING!
2. As we continue driving to pick the prick up, she looks at me with that doe-eyed look and says "can you please get in the back? I don't want to fight with him". (My response to this comes from a weekend of anger because of their fuked up relationship) Being a bitch, I ask in a "are you fuken-kidding-me" kinda yell: "Oh yeah? would you rather fight with me?" Then, I start up a screaming match of "mock" arguments between her and I, from her perspective (the girl he's gonna make cry at the end of the night) and mine (the frustrated friend that wants her to realize how far backwards she's bending over for the douchebag). I scream for 3minutes in a deafening manner with no response from her, hoping she'll get the picture and realize that I'm right. She asks me to switch seats. I ask her to pull over. The end.

*suffix* The Hierarchy of Friends works in different ways. Boyfriends can be more important than friends. But is the boyfriend #1? Would he sit in the front seat if your mother or grandmother was in the car? Don't get me wrong, people like the front seat, that's why "shotgun" was invented, after all. But we hit a whole new dynamic when you ask a person to GET OUT of the vehicle and SWITCH SPOTS on a car ride that will take less than 10mins, for no other reason then 'your bf will pick a fight with you'!!!
This blog is not about a seat in a car, it's actually about me being stubborn, and correct. (Haha, no.) I have my bullshit limit, the same way Not-N2 had hers. I could've kept my mouth shut on that ride home, done what my friend asked, and we'd still be on good terms. But I CANNOT justify being treated like shit, so that she could be nice to a boy that treats her like shit. Fine. From her perspective, the boyfriend is more important then herfriends, alright. But now she's gone and disrespected me, and I THINK that's not okay!
At the end of the day everyone chooses their battles. My friend chose not to fight with 'him' but rather me instead. Well, BRING IT! Because I don't regret my actions, and I do think I'm right.

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