
What do I envy? I envy honesty, opinionated personalities and no-holding-back-bluntless. I dis-envy those who lack a personality of their own, and need to judge others in order to feel better about themselves.
Asshole type tendancies, along with rude comments and sarcasm amuse me, and I believe my recent phenomenon of making fun of my own lifes downfalls and meaningless events in an exaggerated way can be somewhat amusing to persons other than myself.This is a blog of my own thoughts and unconventional opinions. I encourage you to call me out an anything I write here, however, the blog is not made for you to belittle me, so watch your step. Read at your own risk. -B!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

how much do you care?

The environment? I care? I care enough to have like 20 of those re-usable bags at my house. To walk instead of drive (unless someone offers me a ride, cuz hell, it's cold out now). To recycle my empties ect ect. I care.

About animals? I care enough not to eat the 4 legged ones. Try not to wear things made out of leather, join the PETA craze.... kinda.

My friend Gwyn wore a fur coat the other day. I was never a fan of the style, not my thing, but real fur is just unnecessary regardless of if you dig the style or not, no?
I mean, skinning an animal to wear it? I get that they're dead and you've eaten them and all that great stuff that I'm not into, but it still sounds kinda morbid no?

What I'm getting at: In the Edmonton paper today there was a picture of 2 girls who are my heros. They were staying outside in their underwear with no tops on (hence the friend reference. KIDDING!) and a sign in front of their chest saying "only animals should wear fur". My heros, yes. Effective protest, yes. Would I have done it in -40'? FUK NO!

As much as I love animals and the environment and all, I'd prolly sit at home and write someone a strongly worded email. But I dig them for caring that much. Who disagrees?

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